Utility Billing
Water and sewer are billed bi-monthly (every other month). Bills are generated on the 1st of every even month and are due by the last day of those months. Be sure to mark your calendar to remind yourself that the billing months are:
- February
- April
- June
- August
- October
- December
Customers are responsible to be aware of these dates and pay their bill on time. The City is not responsible for lost or damaged bills by the US Postal Service. If you do not receive your bill, please contact City Hall at 360-262-3547.
Delinquency Notice
Bills received after the last day of the month are delinquent and assessed a 10% fee of the balance owed.
Failure to Pay - Shut off
Accounts must be paid in full to avoid water shut off before the 11th day after the billing due date. A $25 shut off fee as well as a $10 turn on fee for reconnection of service.