Infraction and Parking Citations



The legislature has decriminalized many traffic offenses. These offenses are now called infractions and are civil cases.

What Must I Do If I Receive An Infraction?

Start by reading the entire backside of your notice of infraction (ticket).  You should note that you must respond within fifteen (15) days of the date the ticket was issued. An infraction is not a crime, but failure to respond can result in the suspension of your driver’s license. You can respond by mailing your copy of the citation to the court or may bring it in person to the clerk’s office. If you wish to submit a written statement instead of appearing at a hearing, please select either Mitigation or Contested hearing by written statement.  Select one of the boxes for the type of hearing you are requesting and verify your address. If you select box one (1) you are electing to pay the amount of the penalty as shown on the front of the ticket. The court accepts personal checks or money orders made payable to the Napavine Municipal Court. Please do not send cash through the mail. You may also pay with credit or debit card through AllPaid. You will need your case number and our jurisdiction code 8005. A convenience fee will be assessed for credit or debit card transactions.  

What Is A Mitigation Hearing?

A mitigation hearing is where you admit you committed the violation, but wish to explain the circumstances. To request a mitigation hearing, please check box two (2). The Judge, depending on the explanation and your record, may adjust the penalty. However, the Judge will not dismiss your ticket. The court is required to forward all committed traffic tickets to the Department of Licensing and will appear on your driving record.  If you wish to submit a written statement instead of appearing at a hearing, see mitigation by written statement.

What Is A Deferred Finding?

A deferred finding is available only for traffic infractions. Within a seven-year period, a person may receive one deferred finding. A deferred finding is discretionary, and the Judge may not grant deferred findings on some infractions. Drivers with a CDL or who committed infractions in a commercial vehicle are ineligible. If the judge grants your deferred finding, the decision on your case will be deferred for 12 months. During that time, you must commit no crimes or infractions and pay the fine amount in full.  If you satisfy both conditions, your infraction(s) will be dismissed. If not, the infraction(s) will be found committed. If the penalty has not been paid in full, a $52.00 penalty will be assessed. The finding will be reported to the Washington Department of Licensing (DOL), who may begin processing your driver’s license for suspension. If you want to request consideration for a deferred finding, see mitigation by written request.

What Is A Contested Hearing?

If you believe you did not commit the violation, then select box three (3) for a contested hearing. Unless you request the officer to be subpoenaed, the procedure at the hearing will be for the Judge to read the sworn statement of the officer. You may testify or present any evidence or witnesses that you wish. As a result of a contested hearing, the penalty may stay the same, be reduced, or the ticket dismissed. In the event you have subpoenaed witnesses, you may be required to pay court costs. A contested hearing is a civil case and the Judge will decide the case based on a preponderance of the evidence (more likely than not). If you want to request consideration for a deferred finding, see contested hearing by written request.

May I Have A Lawyer Present At A Contested Hearing?

You may, at your own expense, have a lawyer appear and represent you at your hearing. If you are to be represented by counsel, the lawyer is required to file a notice of appearance with the court and the city prosecutor prior to the hearing date. A separate hearing is held when lawyers are involved and it is necessary to have sufficient notice for scheduling.

What Should I Wear And How Should I Act In Court?

Suitable attire is required. Shoes and shirts are necessary. Halter tops, tank tops, and shorts are not permitted. Hats are to be removed upon entering the courtroom. No smoking, food or drink will be allowed. Weapons are prohibited. Children may be present in the courtroom, but if they disturb the proceedings, you may be requested to remove them. The court does not provide child care. Upon your arrival, check-in with the clerk at the counter and then have a seat in the courtroom until the session convenes. When your case is called, come forward and stand behind the podium until instructed otherwise by the Judge.

Will A Traffic Infraction Appear On My Driving Record?

When you pay the penalty, mitigate, or if the Judge finds you have committed a traffic infraction at a contested hearing, the state law requires that the infraction be reported to the Department of Licensing. The infraction will then appear on your driving record. Neither the court clerk nor the Judge, has the authority to keep the infraction off your record. It will not be reported to Department of Licensing if you are granted a deferred finding and complete all of the conditions or you prevail at your contested hearing and the infraction is dismissed or found not committed.

What If I Do Not Pay For My Ticket Or Appear For A Hearing?

A failure to pay or respond to the ticket within 15 days results in a finding that the infraction was committed. If you asked for a hearing and do not appear, your payment is due immediately. When an infraction is not paid within a timely manner or a hearing is missed, a late penalty is added to the balance due. Your license may then be suspended if the penalty is not paid following a notice to pay the increased penalty, and the account may be assigned to a collection agency.

Is There A Right To Appeal?

If you do not win at a contested hearing you have the right to appeal to the Lewis County Superior Court. The notice of appeal must be filed within 30 days of the judgment. There will be various appeal costs, payable in advance, including a statutory court filing fee. If you appeal, the Superior Court will review the record that was made at the Napavine Municipal Court, but there will not be a new trial. The clerk’s office can provide you with information about the appeal process.

What About A No Liability Insurance Ticket?

If you receive a ticket for no insurance and you had insurance at the time of the violation, you may file proof of insurance with the court clerk, pay a $25 administrative cost, and the charge will be dismissed and not go on your driving record. If you obtained insurance after you were given the ticket, you may request a mitigation hearing (box 2) to explain the circumstances and show proof of insurance to the Judge. However, you must do either within the 15 day response time. 

What If I Can't Pay?

The court expects payment following infraction hearings. Therefore, if a monetary penalty is imposed by the Judge, it will be necessary for you to be prepared to pay the penalty in full immediately following the finding. If you can’t pay your entire penalty at the time of the hearing, you may request a payment plan. This is an agreement with the court for payments and must be strictly adhered to. A $10 payment plan fee will be assessed in addition to the fine penalty.


What Must I Do If I Receive A Parking Infraction?

Similar to a traffic infraction, you must respond to a parking infraction within 15 days of the date of issuance if you wish to request a mitigation or contested hearing.  You can respond by mailing your copy of the ticket to the court or you may bring it in person to the clerk’s office. If you wish to submit a written statement instead of appearing at a hearing, see either Mitigation or Contested hearing by written statement. Parking Citations are not eligible for deferred findings. Please be sure to include your name and current mailing address.

What If I Just Want to Pay The Parking Infraction?

All parking infractions are due within 15 days of issuance. Payments may be remitted to the court clerk’s office in cash, check or money order. For after-hour payments, there is a payment drop box located at the entrance to the city hall. If you choose to mail your payment, the postmark must be dated within 15 days from the violation date.

Will Parking Infractions Appear On My Driving Record?

No, parking infractions will not appear on your driving record. However, failure to pay two or more parking infractions will result in the non-renewal of your vehicle license.

What If I Do Not Pay My Parking Infraction Or Appear For A Hearing?

Failure to pay a parking infraction or appear for a hearing as scheduled will result in an automatic finding of committed. In addition, a delinquent fee will be added to the original fine. If the fine and delinquent fees are not paid in a timely manner, the account may be assigned to a collection agency.

What If I Sold A Vehicle, But It Still Shows My Name As The Owner?

If you receive notice from the Napavine Municipal Court that you have outstanding parking infractions owing, but you have sold the vehicle cited, you will need to submit a copy of the Department of Licensing Seller’s report to the court that includes new owner information.