Water Use Efficiency Goals and Reports

To:       Mayor and City Council

From:   Bryan Morris, PW/CD Director

RE:       Staff Summary and Recommendations

Purpose of Forum: To report on the progress of the current water use efficiency goals and to adopt new water use efficiency goals.


Washington State DOH ODW requires the City to establish a customer Water Use Efficiency Goal and to re-establish a customer goal every 6 years through a Water Use Efficiency Goal Setting Public Forum.

Current Demand Side Goal: (Created in 2018)

  1. Annual production to increase by 40 customers for the year 2018.
  2. Napavine will encourage and educate citizens through the utility billing department on installation and use of low flow appliances and apparatuses for homes.
  3. Maintain usage of 61.3 gallons per day per capita.

Customer (Demand Side) Goal Progress: (As of 2022)

  1. Annual Production was 51 new customers for 2022, but per capita has increased from 60.3 gallons per day per ERU.
  2. Napavine encouraged and educated citizens through the utility billing department on installing and using low flow appliances and apparatuses for homes.
  3. Explained in goal progress 1.


Proposed goals for consideration:

  1. Switch out all old radio read Master meters and replace with cellular Badger meters. Currently have 304 badger meters installed, badger meters provide staff with instant leak detection.
  2. Continue to inform and educate all citizens that are upgraded or currently have a cellular Badger meter about the benefits provided with the EyeOnWater App. Currently have 42 EyeOnWater app users enrolled, this allows immediate leak detection that citizens can access at their fingertips.
  3. Continue to inform and educate all citizens on installing and using low flow appliances and apparatuses for homes.


Consider public comments and the merits of each goal. Listed goals are only suggested and may be changed or edited. Select goals and approve by motion.